The defeated will wave a long white scarf out of the cockpit and he would be let free by the winner. There is a rumor about a old style chivalry air duel between Dickinson and Bruno Mussolini(son of the dictator) in which they set to meet at certain time and location and agreed the conditions of the fight, with escorts to unsure fairness of the fight.

The other aircraft, with an unusual red tail, was piloted by the Canadian volunteer Derek Dickinson and was located in Castellon de la Plana airfield, that for a curious coincidence It's my family's place. Gritsevets was killed on the 16 September 1939 in an accident in Bolbasovo near Vitebsk, wherein his plane was rammed by another while taxiing in preparation for take off. After the Spanish war he was sent to Mongolia and later to Ukraine to prepare the invasion of Poland. The aircraft with the registration number CM-215 was piloted by Sergey Ivanovich Gritsevets, commander of the 5 Escuadrilla de Caza, which claimed about 30 air victories and was honored Hero of Soviet Union. Today I add two more schemes from the Spanish Civil War.